Revista de trastornos y sistemas genitales

Rare Presentation of Haematometra and Haematocolpos Presenting as Bleeding Per Vagina

Pramod Kumar and Shakuntala Chhabra

Rare Presentation of Haematometra and Haematocolpos Presenting as Bleeding Per Vagina

Haematometra and Haematocolpos are conditions in which blood collects in the uterine cavity and vagina respectively when the outflow tract is obstructed. An imperforate hymen occurs in 0.05% of women. Late discovery of an imperforate hymen may lead to pain, infections, hydronephrosis and endometriosis with sub fertility as a possible consequence. Examination of the external genitalia is necessary in the investigation of girls between the ages of 11 and 18 who have a lower abdominal mass and crypto menorrhea. The patient should be prepared for both abdominal and perineal operations. Prior to incision of the imperforate hymen, a recto abdominal examination should be performed. Early diagnosis, careful evaluation and early treatment are the key points in the management of this treatable condition.