Informes de microbiología médica

Research and advancement in homeopathy

Maniya Arora

Homeopathy is a branch of traditional medicine and is based on the principle of similia that is a drug which can produce those symptoms in healthy persons will cure those in patients. It’s a 200 years old science which was discovered by Dr. Hahnemann in Germany. In this on-going pandemic, it has proven itself to be useful by helping in prevention as well as curing thousands of corona infected patients worldwide. Not just homeopathy but other systems such as Ayurveda and other techniques like acupuncture are now more sought after systems of medicine. With the increasing demand for homeopathy, there have been immense research and advancement, so as to make it more effective for people. Research is majorly done by human provings and clinical trials. Observations carried on healthy person help to determine the symptoms which that drug can cure. But there have been many controversies regarding the medicinal substance in homeopathic drugs for which now some answers like homeopathy works on the basis of Nano medicine are being given. Many miracles are now being made owing to this system of medicine and enough to clear the doubts of the skeptics. There is huge scope for the development of this system to promote skills, clinical practices and growth.