Investigación en medicina aguda: acceso abierto

Role of Cissus quadrangularis in the Treatment of Osteoporosis: A Review

Supriya Verma

Cissus quadrangularis linn is a plant of family Vitaceae, it is also known as “Bone Setter”, as it has prominent role in bone diseases, mainly osteoporosis (porous bone disease). Other few regional names of it are Hadjod, Asthisaharakha, Veldt Grape, Stemmed Vine, Vajravalli, Devil's Backbone, etc. Osteoporosis is a bone (metabolic) disease, which shows effect on the entire skeleton and is well characterized with low bone mass of the body and micro architectural deterioration. The administration of C. quadrangularis increases Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP), which is a bone marker of osteoblast differentiation (osteoblastogenesis). Apart from this, it is found to be useful in the treatment of obesity, anorexia, colic, dyspepsia, flatulence, helminthiasis, haemorrhage skin diseases, and many others. Its’ stem, leaves and young shoots have pharmacological activities. C. quadrangularis extract can be obtained in various solvents like ethanol, methanol, hexane, ethyl acetate, aqueous extract, acetone, petroleum ether and chloroform.