Revista de otología y rinología

Speech Academy: High performance communication training

Julya Macedo

Brazilian Speech Therapy has the development of techniques and programs to improve communication, especially now with this worldwide pandemic and the growing need for virtual communication. In the city of Umuarama, Paraná, a project called “Speech Academy” is developed with great adherence of the telemarketers, managers, entrepreneurs, students, doctors, lawyers and many other professionals. This program has been running for two years, in my clinical practice with an average of 130 people. “Speech Academy” was developed to offer people the opportunity to conduct monthly training on their verbal and non-verbal communication in order to improve their evidence-based speech. Training is an approach that develops an impactful, credible and highly persuasive communication. It is held monthly in a group lasting two hours. The work always starts with a process of self-perception and individual assessment and then group training is conducted to improve communication and personal marketing. The program is divided in: breathing, voice, articulation and diction, clarity and objectivity, facial and body expression, intonation and emphases, speech velocity and pauses. And as a bonus we still work on accent and vocal warm-up and cool-down. There are an average number of meetings for each aspect based on the exercise physiologic and the development of groups and each one of these skills.