Revista internacional de teranóstica

Sutureless strabismus surgery: Experimental and human studies

Mahmoud Aly Rageh

The utilization of tissue cements in strabismus medical procedure is known for over 40 years. Be that as it may, not many reports have been distributed and the greater part of them were trial. All methods depicted the utilization of tissue glues to debilitate an additional visual muscle either by recessing it or to apply a stitch less faden activity. To our best information, no investigation applied tissue cements to reinforce an additional visual muscle. Our show will show that the utilization of iso-amyl-2-cyanoacrylate is considered as one of the most un-unsafe and compelling tissue glue in strabismus medical procedure. A relative histologic investigations of strabismus medical procedure with and without stitches utilizing the standard and electron magnifying instruments were conveyed. Our careful procedures to debilitate or reinforce an additional visual muscle will be introduced at the gathering. Reason Suturing is a tedious cycle and patients may experience the ill effects of stitches on account of inconvenience and tearing. This imminent investigation was done to decide the adequacy of an accessible business fibrin sealant for conjunctival injury conclusion following extraocular muscle a medical procedure for strabismus. Strategies Fibrin sealant (Beriplast®) was utilized in 48 conjunctival injuries of 25 patients with strabismus during the period February 2004 to May 2005. There were 12 guys and 13 females, whose mean age was 9.3 years. Results No unfavorably susceptible responses, chemosis or diseases were seen, yet stitching was vital a day after medical procedure in 3 injuries of 2 cases (3/48 eyes, 6%). All conjunctival injuries were recuperated toward the finish of the subsequent week. End The utilization of Beriplast® for conjunctival injury conclusion is a compelling strategy that is not difficult to apply and ought to be viewed as an answer in strabismus careful practice. Accidental hole of the globe is the most serious inconvenience of strabismus medical procedure utilizing 6-0 vicryl. Past investigations have announced that the frequency of this confusion happens in 1% to 12.1%. In creature tests utilizing adhesives(Tisseel, Beriplast-P), the tissue cements were viewed as great materials for substitution of stitches in strabismus medical procedure. In clinical application, the bond strength of the quick postoperative period is the main factor for the accomplishment of the activity. Consequently we performed sutureless strabismus medical procedure with Tisseel and Beriplast-P in 10 pale skinned person bunnies to assess the bond strength of the prompt postoperative period.