Revista de ingeniería informática y tecnología de la información

A Comparative Study on Unraveling the Convolutional Codes in AWGN Channel Utilizing the Viterbi Calculation

Muhammad Alshurideh

In this paper, a review on unraveling the convolutional codes in AWGN channel utilizing the Viterbi calculation is introduced. This review is performed utilizing distinctive requirement lengths at a decent coding pace of (1/2). The exhibition of hard and delicate Viterbi decoder is assessed by estimating Bit Error Rate and translating delays at different requirement lengths. Results show that Soft decoder give around (1 to 2) dB of gain for bit blunder rate relative of hard decoder. Expanding limitation length brings about additional improvement in BER in both delicate and hard Viterbi decoders. Delicate decoders, then again, are displayed to have less unraveling time than hard decoders do. In computerized correspondence frameworks, the utilization of hard or delicate Viterbi decoder at a particular limitation length is a compromise between translating pace and exactness of remaking unique information