Revista de ingeniería informática y tecnología de la información

Developing and Testing a Magazine Website: The Chartist

Jennifer Mosheshe, Odeyinka Olatunbosun

Online magazine websites are one of the major traditional platforms for publishing various magazine contents through various means of public computer networks, such as the bulletin board system, in order to share historical artefacts, online newspapers, blog features, and several forms of political occurrence online. Due to increased competitiveness in the world market, several developers are experiencing numerous challenges, for website development. These challenges can be broadened in diverse editorial and end users issues, requiring an abrupt and effective strategic development and testing to positively address these issues in order to assist developers in creating robust platforms during website development. This paper shows the development and testing process of a political e-commerce magazine website named “The Chartist”, which included the development of the checkout page, download article button, saved article page and gallery page, using dream weaver, flash and ASP.Net during the design phase.