Revista de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Tecnología Electrónica

The Capability of Media Students to Interact with Three- Dimensional Augmented Reality in Virtual Broadcast News Studios

Tariq Alrimawi

The latest developments in technology are constantly affecting all fields, including through the implementation of Augmented Reality (AR) in media broadcasting. Using AR would improve the public image of broadcasting and allow international, national, and regional information and stories to be presented impressively and effectively, allow presenters to interact with television stories through a three-dimensional virtual world, and provide the viewer with rich information about the world. However, the undergraduate media departments at universities in Jordan are still teaching the presentation of the news in basic newsrooms. Therefore, this paper presents an experimental collaboration between the Television Department and the Animation/Multimedia Department at the University of Petra involving the use of an AR virtual studio and three-dimensional computer graphics animation to teach performance skills to students who aim to become television news anchors after graduation.