Revista de virología e investigación antiviral

Abstracto 5, Volumen 1 (2016)

Artículo de investigación

Knowledge of Hepatitis C and Awareness of Infection in the Egyptian Community

  • Engy Mohamed El-Ghitany, Azza Galal Farghaly and Ekram Wassim Abd El- Wahab

Artículo de investigación

Adefovir plus Entecavir Therapy in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients with Treatment Failure to Lamivudine-Entecavir Sequential Therapy: Outcome at 2 Years

  • Jong Won Choi, Se Hyun Kim, Jeong Hun Suh, Yong Suk Cho, Sun Young Won, Byung Kyu Park, Han Ho Cheon and Chun Kyon Lee