Revista de investigación de pediatría clínica

Syrians, Palestinians and Iraqi Refugees in Lebanon

Sacy Robert      

The conflict between protestors and government forces in Syria has developed into a complex crisis involving many parties, and led to a unique humanitarian disaster. As the years are passing, the situation of the civilians in Syria along with the Syrian refugees is getting worse. Lebanon, despite its small size, is hosting over 1.3 million refugees from Syria, equal to more than 20% of Lebanon’s original population (UNHCR data portal 9th June 2014). Not less than 20 million people in Syria are in need of humanitarian help; in addition 4.1 million coasted over the border as refugees in neighbouring countries. These are becoming a big burden on the welcoming countries. The huge influx of Syrian refugees to the country, classified Lebanon as the biggest host country for Syrian refugees in the region. The number of refugees is projected to increase further, pressure on Lebanon in general and on the already poor hosting communities in particular increased poverty and vulnerability. Poverty incidence has risen to 53 per cent in the North, 42 per cent in the South and 30 per cent in Beqaa, compared with the national poverty rate of 28 per cent. There is an increase in the number of refugees across Lebanon due to the facilities provided.

With a group of volunteers, civilians and pediatricians, an N.G.O. named BIRTH AND BEYOND/ASSAMEH was created. Purpose is to create a pediatric department with all the facilities and a very well equipment that may receive sick patients from poor economic conditions whether Lebanese, Syrians, Palestinians or undetermined nationality that are usually Syrians born in Lebanon but whom Syrian regime denies the right of nationality for several reasons. 

Knowing that in Lebanon, the rate of birth is around 60 000 newborns per year, we have 750 000 newborns in Lebanon which are Syrians refugees and most of them are not registered to Syrian authorities and have an undetermined nationality

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