Victor K Muposhi, Justice Muvengwi, Edson Gandiwa, Nyemwerai Chinake,Never Muboko, Phillip Kuvaoga and Tsitsi Maponga
Vegetation Characteristics of White-Browed Sparrow Weaver (Plocepasser Mahali Pectoralis)
Nesting Sites in Mana Pools National Park, Zimbabwe
The aim of this study was to assess the vegetation structure and composition of the nesting sites of white-browed sparrow weaver (Plocepasser mahali pectoralis) in Mana Pools National Park, Zimbabwe. We used a random systematic sampling approach and belt transects along the four common roads mainly used in wildlife road surveys in Mana Pools National Park. Nested belt transects of 100 m × 50 m were systematically established on either side at 5 km intervals. In the transect, tree height, canopy volume, basal area and canopy cover, nest placement, number of nests, lowest and highest nesting placement were recorded.Nests were mainly located on the western-side of trees. Tree height, basal area and canopy volume differed significantly (p0.05). Canopy cover was the only attribute influencing the abundance of nests across the four transects (F1,27=18.58, p