Revista de tratamiento y trastornos del estrés traumático

Is Mental Health Condition a Cause of Anxiety?

Bipin Singh Irom

The vast majority feel a specific measure of pressure and tension in their lives. This isn't really something terrible. Much of the time, feeling a specific degree of stress and nervousness can really help support your exhibition in explicit settings. For instance, an individual may encounter a degree of uneasiness the days paving the way to a public discourse, marriage, or another large life occasion. By and large, a touch of pressure and stress can be normal and is viewed as an entirely typical response. At the point when confronted with an impending task at work, a significant occasion, or even an arranged meeting, a great many people will experience a temporary feeling of apprehension and additional strain. Notwithstanding, persevering and solid sensations of apprehension and nervousness might be a lot greater concern. Nervousness and panicky sentiments that wait long after a stressor has passed, or which happen with no unmistakable explanation, may demonstrate that you are battling with an uneasiness problem.