Revista internacional de investigación cardiovascular

Abstracto 4, Volumen 5 (2015)

Artículo de investigación

Utilization of the Electronic Health Record to Improve Provision of Smoking Cessation Resources for Vascular Surgery Inpatients

  • Brigitte K Smith, Robert T Adsit, Douglas E Jorenby, Jon S Matsumura and Michael C Fiore

Artículo de revisión

CABG without Pump and Clamp! Is It Better or Worse?

  • Kamales Kumar Saha

Artículo de investigación

Circulating Aldosterone Levels and Disease Severity in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension [Retrieved]

  • Zeenat Safdar, Aishwarya Thakur, Supriya Singh, Yingqun Ji, Danielle Guffey, Charles G Minard and Mark L Entman

Reporte de un caso

A Cost Analysis of a Remote Home Support Programme for Infants with Major Congenital Heart Disease: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial

  • Brian A McCrossan, Ashley M Agus, Gareth J Morgan, Brian Grant, Andrew J Sands, Brian G Craig, Grainne E Crealey and Frank A Casey

Reporte de un caso

Successful Surgical Intervention in Symptomatic Severe Hypertrophic Subaortic Stenosis

  • Edda Bahlmann, Lukas Kaiser, Hendrick van der Schalk, Alexander Ghanem, Felix Kreidel1 , Karl-Heinz Kuck, Michael Schmoeckel and Stephan Geidel

Artículo de investigación

Clinical Profile, Angiographic Characteristics And Treatment Recommendations Of Coronary Artery Disease In Women

  • Rama Kumari N, Bhaskara Raju I, Keerthika Chowdry R, Nagendra Prasad K, Ashok Kumar and Harish D