Revista de mejora atlética

Abstracto 5, Volumen 5 (2016)

Artículo de investigación

Effects of High-Intensity Circuit Training on Calcaneal Bone Status in Collegiate Women

  • Yoshitaka Yoshimura, Hiroyuki Nakamura, Mihoko Shimomura, Kazuhide Iide, Kazuto Oda, Hiroyuki Imamura

Comunicación corta

The Reliability of a Rotational Power Assessment of the Core

  • James Zois, Anthony P Sharp, Kaushik Talukdar and John Cronin

Artículo de investigación

No Biomechanical Changes Observed with the Addition of Video Feedback to an ACL Prevention Program in Female Collegiate Athletes

  • Hayley M Ericksen, Kelsey A Shearman, Jaclyn M Grusy, Gretchen E Buskirk, Phillip A Gribble and Abbey C Thomas